CALL in the Global South: Appreciating Progress and Imagining the Future


Lee McCallum (Ed.D), University of Edinburgh, UK 

Dara Tafazoli (Ph.D), The University of Newcastle, Australia 

The development of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has been investigated for more than three decades. Despite the massive publications in the Global North context, concerns have also been raised by scholars and educators regarding the efficiency, equity, and diversity of implications of integrating CALL into the education context of the Global South. The Global South is a term used to describe countries with lower levels of economic development and are often considered less potent in the global political arena compared to the more economically advanced countries of the Global North. Given the economic, social, and political challenges in such contexts, the positionality of CALL, its progress, and future directions require further investigation. 

We thus invite researchers and practitioners in the field to contribute to this critical conversation. We aim to bring together language teachers and researchers to explore issues related to CALL, share creative pedagogical approaches to incorporating CALL into teaching, and reflect on being language teachers and researchers in the digital age in Global South. To bridge the gap between theory, research, and practice, we welcome original contributions encompassing theoretical/conceptual perspectives, empirical studies, or practical applications. We welcome submissions covering diverse contexts, regardless of instruction level (K-12 or higher education) and delivery method (face-to-face or online/hybrid).

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • CALL practices in teaching language skills and components
  • CALL teacher education and professional development
  • CALL tools and applications
  • CALL, linguistic diversity, and social justice
  • Challenges in applying, promoting, and enhancing CALL practices.

The proposed volume will be submitted to Routledge. If you are interested, please send a proposal including a tentative title, all authors’ information (names, affiliations, email addresses, and biodata), and an abstract (500-word max) by May 30, 2023. Prospective authors will be notified on June 15, 2023. Proposals should be submitted via

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